From the marina’s Grand Opening in May of 2013 to the present day, Crosswater Yacht Club has championed one cause- the Folds of Honor Foundation. Folds of Honor is a non-profit foundation that awards scholarships to children and spouses of fallen and wounded soldiers. The marina holds several fundraisers throughout the year including cookouts, a BBQ cook-off, prizer raffle and golf tournament. In 2018, the marina raised approximately $135,500 for Folds of Honor through our events and fundraising efforts. In total over the years, with the help of our generous members and event sponsors we have raised over $325,000. Every $5,000 raised equates to one scholarship, so one could say that we are not only running the best marina around, we are also changing lives while doing so.

CYC and Folds of Honor
Folds of Honor is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization with a mission to empower deserving military families with educational support and opportunities. Since 2007, Folds of Honor has carried forth a singular, noble mission. To honor the sacrifice of our fallen and disabled servicemen and women by providing educational scholarships to the spouses and children they leave behind in the pursuit to protect our American freedoms.
Please consider standing with the Folds of Honor and Crosswater Yacht Club by attending one of our fundraising events or donating…